Well, against my better judgment I hit MGM today, even knowing full well it would be crowded. That being said, how in gods name could anyone go to Disney World in the middle of the summer??? How is it even possible??
I didn't even get to ride Rock n Roller Coaster because the line was 65 minutes when I got there, and they shut fastpass down shortly afterwards. I did get a Fastpass for Tower of Tower and I'm glad I did.
While I was waiting for my fastpass time, I went to the animation studio. Theres a real funny new video starring Mushu. Yeah,
Mulan gets some screen time! Also, note there is a really cool big sketch of Mulan hanging outside the studio. Anyway I played around with the various animation toys. Apparently the character I am most like? Jimminy Cricket. But if I answer the final question as a villain, I'm Scar. Uh huh.
I did get some nice pictures of conceptual art from a bunch of movies. Then I did the little drawing class thing, and left with a picture of Pluto looking like his jaw is dislocated.
So I head back to ToT. I hit the fastpass line, but the attendant dosen't take my ticjet, and boy did that turn out to be a good thing. After riding, I figured, hey since I still have a fastpass, I'll go again. Setting up the BEST TOWER OF TERROR RIDE EVER.
So the ride is progressing as normal...we get to the part where you drop, the final monologue finishes...and nothing. For a good ten seconds we're just sitting there breathless (and try to imagine ten seconds waiting to drop on the tower of terror) People are starting to giggle nervously, and then the lights kind of come on. The bay doors open back up and we move forward into another room...at this point we are all thinking our ride is broken. We sit there staring at a blank wall for awhile..then we get yanked down. We got shot up to "park visual" height four different times, saw blue lightning twice and heard the little girl singing. Then when it was finally over we sat in the pitch black in the basement for a good thirty seconds. It was crazy, the whole thing seemed so...random.
Well, I wandered over to The Great Movie Ride to collect some more HMs. I did get one, I'll cover it later. The ride was ok, this time I got to see the old west bank robbery scene, so now I'veseen both variations.
I also did the Backlot tour. There is a nice Villains of the movies display afterwards. Funniest thing in the gift shop- An Oscar that says "You Deserve An Award!" I don't know why, that slays me.
So, after one last ride on ToT I decided to stick around for Fantasmic. Ok, I don't wanna spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but....does anyone else have any thoughts on it? My main impression upon seeing it was "Wait. Wait. What?" It wasn't bad or anything, and many parts were impressive, it was just kinda...weird. On a positive note, the Evil Queen shows up at one point and summons the "worst villains imaginable". Who shows up? Hades, Jafar, Scar, Cruella Deville(???) and...Frollo! Yeah Frollo!
Immediately upon the show ending it starts pouring and I get soaked going back to my car.
Here's the HMs I collected.
Where-The Great Movie Ride...during the gangster alley scene, a tiny HM profile can be seen in the highest window.
Notes: Cool! Sadly, I didn't get a picture as we didn't stop here.
There is supposedly a hidden mickey and donald in the Indiana Jones scene but I didnt see it.
I also couldn't fina a hidden minnie supposedly contained in the loading room mural. One of the attendants did give me a thumbs up when he saw my book though.
Also, I don't consider the Mickeys drawn in the cement by celebrities to be HMs.
Where: The glasses on the desk in the ToT foyer. When viewed from the right angle they
do make an HM.
Notes: One of my favorites! And I got a good picture of it!
Where: The mural behind the water action scene in Backlot Tour. A break in the clouds forms a perfect HM.
Notes: Got a decent picture of this one too.
Where: On a refirgerator in the Backlot prop room.
Notes: I'm not sure. It might be decorative, but it does look like it was added on afterwards. Make your own call, I got a picture of it.
Where:A box on the tram portion has two Mickey emblems on it.
Notes: I don't think this is a real HM. I think its just a disney box.
I think thats it.