-Many people are hard to buy presents for. Why can't everyone be easy to buy for, like me?
-Jen: I'll bring my notebook along when I come for Christmas if you want to see it. Writing at the library keeps me from having the time to do any book stuff.
-Has anyone seen: King Kong, Narnia, or Walk the Line. Those are all movies I kinda want to see, wondering what real people think of them. (No I don't have any friends in Rochester)
-An Aldis just opened up here in town. I'm intrigued but wary. Most of me wants to pay 79 cents for a pound of ground turkey. Some little naggling part says it isn't a good idea.
-Gwen is gone to Illinois for Christmas. So I'm home alone with Belmont for the next several days. Sigh.
-Now that I've sat down at the computer, it occurs to me how little I have on my mind right now. Weird.