Monday, January 31, 2005

Oh yeah

I see we topped 3,000 hits today. Whoo.

Oh, and Dad? I could steal you recipes from Boatwrights, but honestly, you wouldn't want them. I'm not saying the food is bad, but it's meant for large batch cooking, and its nothing you couldn't do better.

My knee hurts and I'm bored

Which kinda sums up my day.
Work is pretty boring right now. When I get back from work I'm supposed to work with Chappy. Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, he's one of the sous chefs, and is the guy I actually report to. His name is Dave Chapman but there are too many Daves so everyone calls him Chappy. Even his name tag says it.
Yeah, I'm on break at the learning center right now. I'm so bored my eyes are glazing over. I wanna have a day off so I can go to the parks. Maybe Wednesday.

I can't think of anything relevant or clever to say, my head hurts.

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