I'm helping!
Now, let's see if we can't get this Disney Princess thing going. Last time around I clearly sheparded Shan Yu to victory after touting him over Sykes in the first round. Lets see if we can't narrow down the field here. And by "here" I mean you should click HERE and check it out.
Jasmine? Duh.
Alice? Sure. (Sidenote- Unless I'm skipping someone here, Alice was the youngest lead female charcter until Lilo. Discuss.)
Belle? Well, your movie gets nominated for Best Picture you probably can be in the contest.
El Winey? Who the hell is that?
Cinderella can go in, but fairy queens are a dime a dozen.
Widow Tweed? Uh...sure why not. She'll make good first round fodder.
I never saw Hercules and I've never seen a Megara character in the parks...but I guess you gotta include her.
Esmeralda and Ariel of course. (Sidenote- I have seen Esmeralda...wait I saw Esmeralda..I'm not there anymore...and you can see Quasi once in a great while. But Phoebus? The guys a loser I guess)
Mulan...do you have to ask?
Tink and Wendy can both go...the Blue Fairy stays out.
Pocohantas? I suppose. (Favorite Pocohantas moment- "John Smith has been shot. Clearly the best thing for his health is to put him on a ship at sea for the next six months.")
No one remembers Penny so skip her. And Walt wouldn't approve of Jessica Rabbit so she's out. Aurora and Snow White have to stay I guess. Weird how omnipresent Aurora is at Disney parks.
Jane I guess. I mean, why not?
A whole bunch of chicks from Atlantis. Uh, I'm gonna say no to all of you. Next time, make a better movie.
Captain Amelia? Sorry, I'm gonna invoke the rarely seen but still crucial "If your movie is a huge bomb that nearly kills the traditional animation genre then you can't be in this web poll" rule. I knew they came up with that one for a reason.
Lilo for sure... Nani I guess.
Dad can I make a suggestion? Arbitrarily seed the finalists so that a major character like say, Belle is up against some one with no prayer of winning, like say...Megara in the first round. And how come you came up with 32 villains but are only using 16 female leads?