First this...
Sorry, couldn't get to a computer yesterday, so no update. Heres a couple quick hits-
1- No, I cant get the pictures you sent me. When I click the link it asks me to log in. Maybe I just need to register for Snapfish.
2- No info on the Dasani Water Bottle of Doom~. I won't be going back to the parks till mid-January at the earliest, but once I do, rest assured I will be checking it out.
3- Was there a three? It seemed like there was when I started typing.
4- Oh, I just found out I have to vacate my apartment on the fourth. I will find out where I am going to be living... on the fourth. Yes, they gave me less than a weeks notice for when I have to leave (of course I am working that day) and I don't even know where I'm going. I will be sure to keep you updated on this stupid situation.