Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ohhhh...the music...

Do you ever go to Barnes and Noble? Do you ever listen to the music being played there? Well the last two times I've been there the same CD has been playing, and now I can't get two of the damn songs out of my head. Well, I shouldn't say damn songs because I actually like them. One is a version of "Country Roads" except the guy is singing about ... Ireland(?) I dunno, I can't really understand the lyrics. The other is a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I know, of all the songs, but it's just gets unbder your skin.
If this keeps up I'm gonna have to go back and find out what the CD is. So I can illegally download it. Yes!


So yesterday Gwen is all excited because she thinks she found the perfect house for us. Three bedroom, two bath quiet neighborhood and ten grand under our budget. We went and talked to the realator on her lunch, signed some paperwork then drove over and took a look at the outside. We were scheduled to look at it today, then put an offer in...but we found out it sold on Monday. It's OK, says our realator. Turns out it wasn't such a great house after all.
So we're still looking. We have a few more we'll look at this weekend.

I guess Star Wars opens today. I suppose I should see it sometime.

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