Monday, September 12, 2005


No comments in five days...

Damn you spam. Damn you.


The Twins "Black Magic" number is 7. Well, it was a fun season. No, wait. It wasn't. It was a painful to watch season. Thats what I meant.
I guess we can just hope they pick up someone who can hit during the offseason, and hope for the best for Joe Mauer and his amazing Cardboard Knee.

Also, the NL West is so bad that the Rockies are 27 games below .500 and still haven't been eliminated from the playoffs. Sheesh. Too bad we don't have that division.

I didn't really read all those books I said I read

Ok, I got a confession to make.
Back in elementary school, we had this thing called the "Eager Reader" program. You read a book, your parents signed a slip, you got prizes for reading lots of books. Well, being that I read more than the average third grader I started racking up those slips pretty quick. 200, 300, 400, 500....till one day we had a special assembly to honor the first ever kid to read 1000 Ok.
Here's the thing. For one, some of those books I got Mom to sign for were, like, Snoopy cartoon books. So those shouldn't even have counted. And there were definitely some books wehre I just looked at the pictures, then turned over to be signed for. So those should not have counted.
So, to any administrators from Lone Tree Elementary that are reading this- I offer to give back any of the trophies and medals I recieved for my reading efforts. I'm going to keep the Dictionary I was given for making it to 1000 because that was a gift from my teacher.
On second thought, I'm sure I read way more books than anyone else, and most of the ones I submitted I really read, so I think I'll just keep all that stuff.
Whew, glad I got that off my chest.


Gwen and I went to the Ren Fest yesterday. It turned out to be alot of fun. We ate turkey legs, (Gwen couldn't finish hers...actually I wasn't crazy about mine, they were very greasy) bought a cermaic mug, saw a jousting show (we both thought one of the riders was legitimately injured when he fell off his horse...all part of the show)....uhhh....yeah, we did alot of other stuff too. Which of course I now can't remember.
Oh yeah, we saw the Puke and Snot show. Which is a little less gross than it sounds. It was pretty funny.
Turns out we could have brought Belmont. Gwen wanted to buy him a pair of Fairy Wings. Maybe a jesters collar instead.
Has anyone else been to this thing? It's huge. I don't know if we even saw everything.

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