Saturday, May 27, 2006

I got some hits looking from people looking for info on Harolds appearance on Fox and Friends. He made a crab salad, the recipe for which can be found here. That's it pretty much.

And this...

I don't normally link to things wacky videos of people bad-dancing on webcams or pictures of "Redneck RV!". But Reds pitcher Bronson Arroyo starred in the greatest car dealership commercial ever. Please, takie 15 seconds and check it out.

I guess FCC rules are different in Cincy.

From The Some People Just Can't Be Pleased Department

Like any other Minnesotan I'm pretty happy to hear about the new Twins stadium. Yeah, I know there are probably better things to spend money on, but baseball wasn't meant to be played in a large dumpy room damnit. I really do look forward to attending major league games in a stadium we don't have to feel like apologzing to the visiting team for.
"I'm so sorry you had to see this Mr. Jeter. I know, our right field wall is made out of seats. I'm sorry."

But honestly, do you know what my very first thought was upon hearing details of the new plan? "Awww man, you just know ticket prices are gonna go way up now."

I will miss the affordability of the Metrodome, but I still want to push the button for the explosives when they finally implode it.

Just doing my daily scan of search engine terms that led people to this site (Yes, they pretty much all deal with Harold Dieterle) and I found an interesting one.
"Harold Dieterle black"

So, if that was you then, no, I don't think he is.

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