Monday, June 06, 2005

A Little Perspective

I've ragged on the Twins some for playing like crap, but consider-
At this time last year they were just three games over .500 and two games out of first place. This year they are 11 games over .500 and three and a half games out of first. It's hardly their fault that the White Sox are a significantly better team this year (though I rather doubt that will last). The Twins, right now, actually have the best record in the majors after the ChiSox, Orioles and Cardinals. If the season ended right now they would make the playoffs (and face the Orioles, a team they didn't fare well against so far this year, though they are definitely the better team) If the Twins usual suspects (Mauer, Morneua etc.) ever get healthy for any length of time, they should win the division.

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