Something has been bugging me for awhile...
And I think I know what it is.
Has anyone else read The Stand by Stephen King? Back about 10 years ago, King was my absolute favorite author, and The Stand was my absolute favorite book. I mean, I was obsessed with it. I could recite the cast of characters chapter and verse. I knew every minute detail, in minute detail. But over time, Stephen King fell out of my favor for various reasons. Now, looking back, I have come up with one, itty bitty little complaint about this book-
It's freakin' pointless.
I mean it. 60,000 pages of story for a total copout ending. Here, if you havent read the book, enjoy my recap of it.
Ok, there is a big plauge. Almost everyone on earth dies. All kinds of people in America come together to battle the approaching evil. Now we'll spend thousands of pages developing characters and setting up the coming confrontation between good and evil know what? Let's just have God blow the bad guys up with an A-Bomb. It renders the entire previous 100,000 pages of the book meaningless, but oh well.
Seriously. Just reading that, I can't believe how insane that is. Does anyone else feel this way? Am I wrong somehow?