Friday, February 04, 2005

I hadnt said anything beofre but Belmont is really sick. He keeps getting really bad diarrhea and now is hair is falling out in clumps. His muzzle is completly bal.d The vets dont know what is wrong with him or what else to do. Gwen is taking him back to the vet today, I will wait to see what they say.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Belmont is sick. Maybe it's just an infection or something? Anway, I'm sure the ver will figure it out and he'll be feeling better soon. Er, Belmont will be better soon, not the vet. Or maybe the vet will too.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you hate to hear about stuff like that. Hopefully you will have some better news on that subject soon.
Your Father


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