Monday, March 14, 2005

Rain Rain

Well we got a downpour here in Florida. In fact I got smacked in the face with a piece of tree bark on the walk over. Maybe we'll have a hurricane!
It is kind of funny the way people are freaking out over the rain.

Oh, heh heh. One of my room mates is getting kicked out. It seems he got failed on his externship so he's getting sent home. Its kinda lame, since he says they won't tell him why he got failed (I suspect he knows, he just isn't telling) but I'm glad. He had a penchant for blasting MP3s (only the first ten seconds or so, then he'd go to the next one....a real pet peeve of mine) and talking really loudly in the living room when I'm trying to sleep. So, good riddance.


At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know If a hurricane blew the roof off my house and ruined all my worldly belongings I might be a little wairy of the rain too. However thats what you get for living in flordia.

Oh did your super loud roommate get kicked out...the one who watches sports anoyingly loud?


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, sometimes bad things do happen to bad people. Wait, you're still stuck in the middle of a hurricane........


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